This month is filled with extra joy, over new blessings, and some great sorrows as well. I’ll start with the blessings first!
Three Kings Day
January 6th, the daycare staff and children had great fun celebrating Three Kings Day. which “is a loved family tradition celebrated throughout Mexico, to mark the culmination of the Twelve days of Christmas that commemorate the Biblical Three Wise men who travelled afar bearing precious gifts of Gold, Myrrh and Frankincense for baby Jesus. This traditional Celebration, which is held on the 6th of January each year, is an occasion for gift sharing, indulging in grand feast of corn tamales accompanied by hot chocolate and sharing of Rosca De Reyes (Rosca meaning Wreath and Reyes meaning Kings)” (Quoted from this article where you can also find out more about Three Kings Day.)
Below are a few photos of the festivities.

Extra Blessings
Morph Mexico was blessed with a generous monetary donation, which has provided for a split heat and air-conditioning unit for the daycare. In January even though the days warm up, the early mornings are very chilly while staff and students are arriving. In part due to the cold a number of staff, including Amy, have been fighting some sickness all month. This past week the units were installed. (Pictured below)

Additionally some of the other funds from that large donation helped to catch up on payroll costs for the staff, mandatory annual fire safety training (coming soon), and pay for fees associated with organizational paperwork in Mexico.
Sad Goodbyes
For much of 2024, Morph Mexico was blessed by the help of Malina Herrera, a single YWAM missionary. She had become Amy’s right hand help. Malina has returned to the states to spend time with family and seek God’s next steps for her. She is greatly missed at the Guarderia, but we are so grateful for all her service there.
New Baby
This week a young mother brought in her ten month old son, to enroll in the daycare, while she worked in the field. As she handed in her paperwork, we realized that she had just turned 15 years old this past November. So young, and already the full responsibility of providing. Pictured below Caleb gives this little one some extra love.
Child Trafficking in Las Aves
As you may know Las Aves is a small town, with no paved roads, pictured below.

Several weeks ago a girl who had been trafficked from Las Aves was found and brought home safely. But Thursday as Amy was dropping the school age children off at school one asked if she could walk them to the classroom door because they were afraid. When asked what they were afraid of Amy learned that one of their classmates had gone missing earlier in the week, who is presumed to be a victim of trafficking.
Through these stories we are soberly reminded once again, that Morph Mexico and the work that it does is for these: for the children who are going missing and for the moms who are too young for such responsibility. We pray our work shines the love of Christ and helps to break the cycle.
As the Finch family works on the front lines of this battle, they need your prayers. This is a spiritual battle. We are so grateful for you coming alongside the ministry.
For more about Morph Mexico you can find their website or on facebook