The two words I would say are a major part of my vocabulary and possibly they are for you too. I'm not a big talker, I'm more of a listener so I prefer it short and sweet. When someone tells me something interesting or something I don't know, my response is usually huh! If I'm totally confused about what you just said, it's huh?
If I know what you are talking about or agree, then I add the "uh" to the huh. Just listen to someone talking on the phone and it will flow in a repetitive manner. An African Grey parrot which was a talking mimicker, always made the sound of the telephone ring proceeded by hello with a nonstop uh-huh over and over again.
The definition of huh is to express scorn, anger, disbelief, surprise or amusement. To invite agreement or further comment or to express a lack of understanding. Uh-huh is the sound made by people when they are in agreement with you, showing that they understand what you are saying or yes to a question. The two words are classified in English grammar as interjections. An interjection is an exclamation, especially as a part of speech. Hey, you hear them all the time. Yah, everyone uses them. Gee, not sure that you do? Yo, believe me, you do. Wow, you are starting to realize that you do. Duh, I told you so, bazinga, I got you! Eek has now been replaced with aha. Uh-oh,
,bam, it's sinking in now, huh, what do you make of that!
There were many famous ones in the television world growing up. Holy smokes, that's unbelievable! Rut-ro, there could be a problem. Yowza, it doesn't get any better than that. Aaay, the thumbs up and I'm cool. Nano- nano, glad to meet you. Psst, your probably overjoyed by now, yabba-dabba-do.
You may be wondering where this may be leading to. Shh. and listen carefully. “Behold” in the Hebrew Bible means interjection which is an exclamation, an interruption, an unapologetic shout saying " look here, see now ". God uses the word behold more than 1500 times in the bible.
"HUH AND UH-HUH sounds like two characters from the bible, but in all reality it's two characteristics on how you perceive the two characters called the Father and the Son.
By now you are probably saying huh! Maybe it's time to stop ,look, and listen to what God said after the behold so many times. It seems as if God may be trying to catch your attention. Aw, isn't that such a loving thought, because yah, He really cares about you. When everyone else turns their back to you, He never ever will. Lo and behold, that shouldn't be a surprise to you and you should be saying both, one to acknowledge and the other to be in complete agreement. Bam, it's now just become a "HUH AND UH-HUH " moment.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God; Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.